Friday, October 23, 2009

Big Sis Lil' Sis

Today is a big day in the Hills family. The baby, aka Laur Laur, aka Lauren, has finally turned the big 2 1. Never again will she order a Dr. Pepper when we go out to eat...yeah right. This monumental day has got me thinking back to the good ole' days when my two sisters and I were the three amigos, or two enemies against one, or every man for his/herself. Let me start from the beginning.

For three years, Ally and myself were the best of friends. Playing, laughing, talking about life...good times. Then we found out another being was to be joining our ranks. Immediately I think, little brother. I can't describe the excitement I was feeling. A little brother to toss the football around with, or go down to the fishin' hole for the afternoon or just hanging out, irritating the holy hell out of our older sister. In my mind I already named him Michelangelo, after my personal hero at the time. (Teenage mutant ninja turtles was my life.) Then, on a brisk Sunday morning in October, Grandma Dean was at our house waiting for Ally and I to get out of bed. She had big news. Michelangelo was here! We raced to the hospital to meet him. I already had my introduction planned out. A friendly punch to the arm to show him I liked to have a good time, but also to show who was going to be running the show once he got out of this hospital. What happened next is somewhat of a blur. A lot of people standing around handing this fluffy pink blanket around and kept saying, "She's precious, or she's so cute." First thought...I'm in the wrong room. Then I was handed the fluffy pink blanket, and I'll never forget it. Mom said, "Jord, this is your baby sister." I replied, "Come again?"
Oh cruel universe, you've done it again! So with a strong face, I left that hospital and vowed these two ladies weren't going to hold me back. I had to find something to use against them and to protect myself. I decided right then and there, I would use all of my power to be...the funny one.

If I were to accomplish this feat, I had to put every ounce of strength into it. I had to be able to take the criticism, the questioning looks, and the always hurtful phrase from Ally, "Don't laugh at him, you'll only encourage him." But I think what helped me the most was accepting humility. That, of course being that not only would I share a room with my older sister, but when she'd had enough of me, she got her own room and I was placed on the bottom bunk of the craziest woman in the house...Michelangelo. It was really hard to explain to my buddies that the memorial dedicated to New Kids On The Block/Hanson was not my doing. And the little kid that always had a jar of Jif, can of pringles, and atleast four cans of half drank pop was just my little sister getting herself mentally prepared for her ninth showing of Peter Pan in the back was actually an amazing performance.

The three of us were actually decent to each other. I don't remember too much bloodshed so that has to be a good thing. But somewhere along the line, Ally and I found new common ground...that common ground's name was Lauren. Anything Lauren did, we found to be hilarious. This always resulted into Lauren running to Mom to taddle...this never got old. We even got Mom to laugh a few times after explaining what Lauren actually did. Then something crazy happened. We all grew up very fast. At some point in all of this growing, Mom and Dad did a wonderful wonderful thing. They moved Lauren in with Ally and I got my own room...just a very classy move on their part. These were trying times for my sisters. Well, more so for Ally because Lauren had this issue of talking in her sleep....I witnessed it a few times from my bottom bunk. She would start talking to the wall, or act like some form of an animal, then I would try to wake her up and she'd start yelling at me like I was the crazy one....really good stuff.

So, we kept growing and before we knew it, our big sis was ready for the next It was strange not having Ally around. I still remember Lauren's and my first day of school after Ally left. We were both sitting in the truck waiting for her to drop us off at school. Three hours later we realized our mistake and I took over the wheel. And in doing so I found new respect for my older sis, because Lauren even at a young age had a habit of saying she was just about ready which usually meant give me another half hour. But in her absence Lauren and I found our common ground...we became TV and movie junkies. You put us in a room and we can act out every line verbatim from a number of TV shows and long as it's the office or dumb and dumber.

The growing continued, and before I knew it, I was on my way to college. After a year at the prestigious CCC, I matriculated to K-State and the family get togethers were usually held at football games, or during the holidays. And I found out something very cool. When we all get together, we are a fun bunch of people. I guess since I was around it everyday growing up I took it for granted, but now when the five of us get together we have the best time.
Example: Josh and Jenna Stacey's wedding. The night before everyone went out to have a drink and hang out. We got a huge table and had like 20 or more people there for a few drinks and a good time. At some point, Mom, Dad, Ally, Lauren and myself moved away from the crowd to the end of the table and it was non stop laughter for the rest of the night.

So the growing continued and Lauren made her way up to K-State. Her first two weeks there, I saw her everyday. No complaints, even though she was using me for the internet it was still good to see her. Then she made a lot of friends, and apparently found the internet elsewhere. We could go two weeks without seeing each other...again no complaints, mainly because if she was coming to see me it was always for cash. I feel terrible about it now, because deep down I know I was paying for her addiction to Dr. Pepper, Jif, and the very deadly can of Pringles.

So I guess this brings us to today. I finally got my brother when Ally married Matt, so I don't hold that against Michelan...I mean Lauren anymore. The only bad news is I'm not exactly within the three hour driving distance to be with everyone to help Lauren celebrate, which is a huge bummer. But, all it really means is that it gives her a few weeks to be physically and mentally prepared for when I do make it up there. Because it's not just about the's about turning into a jackass and dancing up a storm purely for the enjoyment and entertainment of your family. Like I said earlier, you've got to be able to accept humility.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing says the Lauren of the olden days better than "atleast four cans of half drank pop" !!!
    We missed you terribly this weekend ... and then we had to come home early because apparently you aren't the only one with swine flu ... Josh joined your ranks :(
    See you in a few!
