Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Am Freaking Out In Here....

Before I begin, I just got back from my weekly trivia night, and for twelve weeks my team has been competing for a spot in the final round which was tonight. We tied for third. I "helped" answer two, maybe three questions...out of eighty. Now a bigger man would say the right questions weren't asked or he just had an off night. I am not that man. These were the worst questions that could have been asked. There's a movie quote round, that I do pretty well in if I may say so myself. I knew one quote...thank God for Tommy Boy... the rest were the quote, unquote chick flicks. From that point on I was useless. The ones I did know, everyone knew! But other than all that, I have always had a very good time at all the trivias I've been to.

Now that I'm done venting, I'll get to the main subject of this particular blog...I have never been more paranoid in my life than I have been the last couple of days...I see I have your attention, let me explain. Meg, Nate and their two little one's left for vacation on Monday for a Hawaii...I am very happy for them. I know they are all enjoying the beautiful weather, the wonderful beaches, ocean as far as the eye can see...I'm here with three cats that respect me as much as my youngest cousin. (Check blog #1 for reference to how much my youngest cousin respects me.) To these felines, I am the man that fills their bowl with food, and cleans their poop from their litter boxes. In other words, I have no control over them. Lucky for me, two of them are scared of me. Their also scared of anything that makes any sudden movements, so I have that going for me. But the third cat, a monster they call Maseo, is scared of nothing. And shows me the least respect of them he is my favorite.

In these two days since the Little family left for their trip, I have come to the conclusion that either A.) There are ghosts in this house, B.) There are two, maybe three other people I can't find in this house, or C.) I am not drinking heavily enough at night to block out the ghosts and this new family tap dancing through the house til' the break of dawn. Normally, I thrive in this kind of situation. You see, I am a ghostbuster in training (16 years!), but I left the charger for my proton pack in Kansas and I feel naked without it. I am surviving, but barely. Every hour on the hour I make a room to room house inspection with my trusty 7 iron. The fort is secure as of right now, but who knows what type of crisis I might face in the near future. So if you don't hear from me in the next few days...just wait longer.

Weather update: We got a cold front in central Texas! It got down to 97 today. Lucky for me, I packed an extra sweater for work this morning. I heard tomorrow could be down to 94! I guess all I need to see now is this phenomenon called...what's the name...oh yeah, rain.


  1. You totally crack me up. Just go lock yourself in the game room and play rock band all night. Sorry to hear that trivia night wasn't all that answerable. Better luck next year. Aunt Lori.

  2. I'm sure Venkman could have nailed the 'mystery ghost family' if he was there...

    Can't believe the Little's didn't invite their nanny along to Hawaii, how rude! ;)

    Please email me sometime so I know what's going on with you life, other than ghosts, hot weather and bad trivia!

  3. I have proof of your ghost busting days!! Would be happy to show the pics anytime! Must find them first.....
    p.s. loving the blog :)

  4. I think you need to man up and show those cats who is boss. Either that or just "forget and leave the front door open" for a short while and your problems will be solved. Stella and Sam will thank you too. Will they be able to keep the screen doors and Everytown USA?


  5. And PS. I forgot to tell you .... it's been in the 70's for the past two weeks.

    Want to move back?!

  6. Peope living in the attic... Hmmm- sounds like grandma dean! Xxoo - mom

  7. you're my hero!

